

【研討會徵稿】印度姐妹校——Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD) 將舉辦場不領域的學術研討會,分別是行銷、經濟與人資,希望各位老師踴躍參與。


International Marketing conference

Abstract Submission Dead line

September 15, 2019

Conference date

October 18-19, 2019


Marketing has evolved over the decades with the rapid advancement of technology. Over the years marketing moved from product centric era to human centric era. Marketers need to identify, understand the anxieties and desires of the consumers to fulfil their needs. Consumers in the current millennium are no longer limited to consumption but are getting involved in collaborative value creation. Now companies are actively collaborating with customers and try to figure out their minds and capture market insights. They are not only focusing on creating economic value but also taking efforts to contribute to social progress and development. The Triple Bottom Line Concept is being embraced by a number of firms bringing together – economic value, environmental health and social progress.


  • To provide a platform for the industry, marketing practitioners and academia to share their knowledge and experiences of marketing in the value driven marketing.
  • Expected to be a confluence of marketing minds, where there will be active sharing of best practices and insights how value driven marketing principles can benefit the stakeholders in long run.

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International Economics conference

Abstract Submission Dead line

On or before September 2, 2019

Conference date

November 15 & 16, 2019


The trends of global economic growth reflect two contracting stories. If many of the African and some of the Asian economies failed in pulling off the much-desired growth, rise of countries like Japan, Singapore, South Korea, China etc. surprised the world. India stays somewhere in between these two extremes. Development is neither universal nor uniform. In the market driven economy, the fruits of development are not distributed evenly leading to imbalanced society. The persistent economic crisis in different parts of the world has made economists to wonder whether the practicing economic growth models are potential enough to generate sustainability in growth. Economists and policy makers also ponder the question of how large is the size of trade-off between economic growth and sustainable development. Thus, the major and immediate challenge of the current century is to generate growth which is inclusive and sustainable. In order to create a better and sustainable future, Governments, Corporates and NGOs need to work collectively and playing their respective roles most effectively.


  • To provide a stimulating platform for academicians and practitioners to reflect, deliberate, and suggest measures that are needed both at macro and the micro levels to elevate India and other backward economies to higher and sustained growth trajectory,

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International HR conference

Abstract Submission Dead line

September, 2019

Conference date

 December 6 and 7, 2019


The role of Human Resources Management is currently undergoing a drastic change, from being a functional contributor towards the corporate performance to becoming a strategic and analytical partner of business decisions. Effectiveness of HRM function is being evaluated by its level of contribution towards the return on investment of any organization, by keeping the specific performance-driven goals in mind. The focus of HRM is shifting from merely addressing day-to-day issues of People Management towards future-oriented prediction-based approaches to retain the best talent for facing up to competitiveness in the business world.

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