



    • 本院院長候選人,除須符合教育人員任用條例及相關法令規定之任用資格外,並須具備下列各條件:
      • 教授或具教授資格之學者專家。
      • 具有管理相關學術聲望或實務經驗者。
      • 就任院長時年齡未超過62歲。

    • 候選人產生方式:
      • 自行應徵。
      • 由本院專任教師三人以上連署推薦。

    • 候選人應備妥之文件:
    • 候選人基本資料表。
    • 個人詳細履歷(格式自訂)。
    • 詳細治院理念書(格式自訂)。
    • 自行應徵者須有推薦信兩封以上。
    • 連署推薦者須有連署推薦書及被推薦人之同意書。
    • 重要作業期程





      • 以限時掛號(截止日以郵戳為憑)寄送至管理學院遴選委員會(地址:80424高雄市鼓山區西子灣蓮海路七十號)
      • 以電子郵件(以郵件寄送日期為憑)寄送至管理學院遴選委員會承辦人信箱(secretary@cm.nsysu.edu.tw)
      • 遞交送至管理學院遴選委員會(地址:80424高雄市鼓山區西子灣蓮海路七十號管理學院院辦CM4062),選擇本方式者請於截止日下午5時前送達。

聯絡電話:07525-4501  楊雅雲秘書


E-MAIL  secretary@cm.nsysu.edu.tw



The College of Management at National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU) has formed a Dean Selection Committee and is seeking applications for the position of Dean. The Dean’s term of office will run from February 1, 2025, to January 31, 2028. The Dean’s term is three (3) years.

I.  Apart from meeting the candidacy requirements stipulated in the Ministry of Education’s Act of Governing the Appointment of Educators and relevant regulations, candidates shall also meet the following requirements:

 1. The candidate must be a Full Professor or a scholar/expert qualified as a Full Professor.

2. The candidate must have a distinguished academic reputation and related practical experience in the field of management.

3. The candidate's age should be less than 62 at the starting date of the appointment.

II.  Application Methods:

1. Self-application: Qualified candidates can submit applications directly. At least two recommendation letters should be included.

2. Nominations: Nominations should be made jointly by at least three full-time faculty members in the College of Management, NSYSU. A Candidate Consent Form should be included and duly signed by the candidate.

III.  Application Documents:

  1. Application Form.
  2. Comprehensive CV (free format).
  3. Comprehensive plan for the management of the college (free format).
  4. At least two recommendation letters for self-applicants.
  5. Nomination Letters and Candidate Consent Form for nominated candidates.

IV.  Important Dates for Candidates:

  • Sep. 16, 2024 (Monday): Dean Selection Committee members confirm the applicant’s qualifications.
  • Sep. 25, 2024 (Wednesday): Forum on Candidates’ Governance Concepts.
  • Oct. 9, 2024 (Wednesday): Second meeting of candidates with Dean Selection Committee members.

V.  Deadline for Applications:

The Dean Selection Committee should receive applications by post or email by 5 pm on Sep. 6, 2024 (Taiwan time), through one of the following channels. No submission shall be accepted after the stipulated deadline

  1. via promptly registered mail to the Dean Selection Committee (note: the postmark date prevails)

address: College of Management, No. 70 Lien Hai Road, Kaohsiung 804, Taiwan, R.O.C.

  1. via e-mail to the Dean Selection Committee at secretary@cm.nsysu.edu.tw.
  2. by personal delivery to the office of the College of Management (CM4062). Note: submit by 17:00 of the stipulated deadline.

VI.  Contact Info:

Dean Selection Committee, College of Management, National Sun Yat-sen University
No. 70 Lien Hai Road, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 804

For more information, please contact:  

Mrs. Ya-Yun Yang                 

Tel: + 886-7-525-4501               

Fax: +886-7-525-4501

Email: secretary@cm.nsysu.edu.tw

Or visit our website for the latest updates on this announcement. http://www.cm.nsysu.edu.tw

國立中山大學管理學院第十五任院長遴選委員會  啟
