
管院姊妹校加州大學河濱分校2021年商業領袖教育營 (2021/2/15-2/26)


The School of Business at the University of California, Riverside is pleased to announce our virtual Accelerated Business Leaders Education (ABLE) program this February 15-26, 2021. This two-week program is a comprehensive global leadership program designed to accelerate leadership, teamwork, innovation, and strategic planning skills. Students will have the opportunity to network with individuals from around the world while learning from our world-class faculty. In addition, we will be holding a team competition where the winning members will receive a $5,000 scholarship for one of our graduate programs! https://business.ucr.edu/programs/able. All undergraduate majors are accepted!

The cost for the program is $250 USD and open to all international students. We would like to invite five of your student to join for a special price of $200 each because of your continued support of all my visits. I would need a list of students who will be joining so I can make sure they are charged the correct amount of $200. Any students over the five will need to pay the $250 price. All participants will receive a certificate of completion at the conclusion of the program.

I am including a brochure for you to distribute. You can also find an information video here.



