




Application Period 申請時間:2022.11.14 - 2022.12.05 (no late submission accepted 逾期不受理)


Dual Degree Overview  院級雙聯學位及ACT資訊:https://www.cm.nsysu.edu.tw/p/404-1024-288020.php?Lang=zh-tw


Required Document 應繳文件 (each file max. size 10M):

  1. Fill out this online application form and upload below documents to the form 填寫此線上申請表並上傳下列文件到申請表中
  2. NSYSU Enrollment Certificate for Fall 2022 本校111學年度第一學期在學證明
  3. NSYSU Chinese Transcript for All Semesters 本校歷年中文成績單 (if you haven't had grade report in NSYSU, please submit your full transcript in bachelor 若尚無本校成績請繳交大學歷年中文成績單)
  4. English Proficiency Test Report 英檢成績單 (test taken after 1st of March, 2021 測驗日期需為2021年3月1日以後)
  5. CV (no specific format required, one A4 page suggested 建議一頁A4就好,無特定格式)
  6. Statement of Purpose (no specific format required, one A4 page suggested 建議一頁A4就好,無特定格式)
  7. (Optional 選繳) Supporting Documents 其他有利審查資料 (no specific format required, no more than five A4 pages suggested, anything you think it's a plus to your application can be provided in ONE pdf. file 建議五頁A4以內,無特定格式,任何你認為有利於審查的資料皆可存成一個檔案上傳)


Result Announcement Time 申請結果公告時間:Around Mid January 預計一月中左右


Contact 聯絡: 

ACT/JKU 雙學位學程  Ms. Jenny Lee: intl@cm.nsysu.edu.tw

Other 甄選及其他雙學位 Ms. Mavis Hung: intlcm@cm.nsysu.edu.tw
