





  1. 單一作者,每篇頒與新台幣100萬元。
  2. 第一作者或通訊作者,每篇頒與新台幣70萬元。
  3. 其他作者:每篇頒與新台幣50萬元。
  4. 獲獎論文須以國立中山大學名義發表


  1. 已出版或已發表之論文電子檔
  2. 申請人於院庫匯出之CV(中文或英文擇一即可)
  1. 符合本要點獎勵對象者,提供已出版或已被接受之論文送審議委員會(由院長召集副院長、管理學術研究中心主任,以及系、所、學程主管組成)審查。
  2. 每年通過審查之得獎人,送請捐贈方備查後頒發【玉山學術獎】,得獎人應公開分享研究成果。
Guidelines for E. Sun Academic Award
To encourage the College faculty member to publish paper(s) in the world’s top-tier journals to promote the domestic management research and academic research achievement in the college of management.
  1. The College’s full-time faculty member, lecturer, or researcher within manning quota who published paper(s) in the top-tier journals (see Appendix 1) since August 1, 2020, is eligible for this award.
  2. Any revision of the journal list is solely according to the E. SUN Group notification, with no contrary to the process listed in Article 6.
  3. Faculty member shall acknowledge receiving funds from E. SUN Academic Reward in the published paper(s). This is not limited to papers published before the regulation is announced.
Reward Amount and Standard-
  1. Single author: An award of NT$1,000,000 per paper
  2. First author/ corresponding author: An award of NT$700,000 per paper
  3. Other author: An award of NT$500,000 per paper
  4. Award-winning paper’s affiliation must be National Sun Yat-sen University.
To apply for E. Sun Academic Award, please send (1)the published or accepted paper(s) and (2)Applicant's CV from CM DB System to msrc@cm.nsysu.edu.tw by August 31th (Thur.).
Review Process-
  1. Eligible applicant shall provide published or accepted paper(s) to the review committee, which is formed by the College Dean, Deputy Dean, Director of the Management Studies Research Center, and director(s) of department/ institute/ program.
  2. The applicant who passed the review committee will be sent to the E. SUN Group for review and will be awarded the E. SUN Academic Award each year. The recipient shall share the research results publicly.
Ms. Chen (Bonnie), ext.4526