






2023年英國《金融時報》全球管理學碩士排行榜(FT Masters in Management Ranking, MiM),共100所大學入榜,國立中山大學管理學院國際經營管理碩士學程(International Business MBA)今年四度接受評比進榜為第75名,奪下全台獨立辦理碩士班入榜學校冠軍。



最低畢業學分:39 學分





碩士班106級 / 袁子修

「對我來說,在 IBMBA 學習是一次改變人生的經歷。」
To me, studying at IBMBA is a life-changing experience. With the international learning environment, it helps me forge lifelongfriendships globally and acquire diverse knowledge from faculty with different countries and expertise. It also provides me with the opportunities to work for a well-known multinational corporation as an intern and win an honorable award by getting involved in the business competition. Furthermore, IBMBA faculty members and staff are very helpful, friendly and can provide assistance efficiently. As one of the best universities in Taiwan, NSYSU offers a great platform for students to interact with amazing people from varied backgrounds and industries. The campus is lively and beautiful with a combination of mountain and sea views that supply the best natural spot to balance student’s life between study and recreation. Studying at IBMBA at NSYSU is definitely something I won't regret.
「對我來說,在 IBMBA 學習是一次改變人生的經歷。」
To me, studying at IBMBA is a life-changing experience. With the international learning environment, it helps me forge lifelongfriendships globally and acquire diverse knowledge from faculty with different countries and expertise. 更多...


What I like about the IBMBA program is the access to various academic and professional channels. The professors bring their own experiences in their respective fields to the class. It was always fascinating to me. Additionally, they also recommend dual degree programs for students. I have never been to Europe before, so I chose ESSCA as my first option. Luckily enough, I was chosen as a participant in this Program.Studying at ESSCA was an experience I will never forget. I had some concerns in the beginning since everything there was new to me, but everything worked out fine in the end. My French classmates were friendly and encouraging, and I enjoyed learning from them. Also, I had time to travel, I can know more about culture. It gave me a better understanding of not only academics from different fields but also European business practices as well. In sum, I decided to enter this university without hesitation, which was the best decision in my life so far.
What I like about the IBMBA program is the access to various academic and professional channels. The professors bring their own experiences in their respective fields to the class. 更多...



