
【英語學習角落】X、Y、Z世代、嬰兒潮世代、00後,世代大亂鬥?年齡與時代的反思 邀你一起英文討論

白驪天老師 Ari Blenkitni 帶領同學探討國際社會時事
白驪天老師 Ari Blenkitni 帶領同學探討國際社會時事
Ari 為同學準備英語單字小遊戲,同學們正熱烈討論
Ari 為同學準備英語單字小遊戲,同學們正熱烈討論


年齡,真的備受影響嗎?管院英語學習角落於 4 月 26 日舉辦本學期第 4 場交流活動 —「年齡 / 時代 Age」,邀請擔任過 ELTA(English Language Teaching Assistant)教育部英語教學人才計畫的講師白驪天老師(Ari Blenkitni),帶領同學以英語探討國際及社會時事。


那麽你認為到幾歲才算是成年人?普遍同學認為 18 歲就是成年人,他們能夠在法律上需要承擔責任,例如可以考取駕駛執照等。亦有同學認為有些人在心智上需要更長時間成為一個成年人,所以因人而異。

承接這個問題,Ari 問大家認為與上一輩相比,現今年輕人的生活較輕鬆還是更困難?同學們反應兩極,有的認為現今科技發達、人均收入普遍增加、社會保障更完善,造就更輕鬆的生活環境;亦有人認為上一輩在住屋和生活的成本都較低,他的祖父母可能在25歲已經買房成家,現今的年輕人卻難以做到。


經由Ari主題性的引導與提問,同學們跟著腦力激盪、活化自身思考與課堂氣氛,在提出原因和理據說服老師和同學時,亦能掌握到更多進階英文詞彙,如經濟流動性 Economic mobility,倒退 Regressing,特權 Privilege 等等,有助於他們日後以英語交流時,更準確地表達己見。

      經濟流動性     Economic mobility
      倒退     Regressing
       特權     Privilege 




Management College Presents: Age – English Corner

The English Corner of the College of Management organized its fourth event of the semester on April 26th Age. This session was hosted by Ari, a former instructor for the Ministry of Education's English Language Teaching Assistant program.  The session focused on the significance of age. Ari encouraged students to discuss international and societal issues in English, starting by asking why age matters, some expressed that understanding a person’s age can help in choosing the conversation topics accordingly. For example, younger people are often interested in trends and entertainment, while older people may prefer discussing work-related topics. Additionally, age was mentioned as a crucial factor in choosing friends or partners.

The discussion then shifted to a broader question: "At what age does one truly become an adult?". Most students felt that 18 was the age of adulthood, as it legally allows for responsibilities like obtaining a driver’s license. However, there was also a consensus that reaching emotional maturity might take longer, and it often varies significantly from one individual to another. Ari also prompted a comparison between the current generation's life and that of the previous one. Opinions were divided: some felt life is easier now due to advanced technology, higher average income, and better social security, while others argued that earlier generations faced lower housing and living costs, noting that their grandparents could afford homes by the age of 25, a tough challenge for many young people today.

Throughout this session, the students not only debated various issues related to the theme of age but also expanded their English vocabulary with advanced terms such as "economic mobility," "regressing," and "privilege." These discussions and the new vocabulary acquired are expected to significantly enhance the students' ability in English conversations. This session underscored the importance of age as a multifaceted aspect of social interaction and personal development, providing students with a deeper understanding of its implications across different contexts.

(Written by. Alex Tsui, The Department of Sociology / Proofread by the Media of the College of Management)



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