【Career 】Joining your desired company is no longer just a dream?
On 09 March, the Office of Career Development organized a virtual sharing on the topic “Joining your desired company is no longer just a dream?”. Differ from the usual guest speaker sharing from industry experts, this time, we have invited NSYSU’s alumni to share more about their journey on how they entered some of the most desired companies of the current time, and the things they experienced whilst working there.
Kicking off the sharing, we invited GHRM MBA alumni Tina, who is currently working in one of the most renowned companies in Taiwan, TSMC, to share more about her experience. Holding many concurrent positions such as Senior HR Specialist / HRBP(ASO)/ InnoLux Corp. Recruiter / Account Service, she shared with the attendees her responsibilities and the skills she picked up while in TSMC. For example, she learned to be meticulous, gained the ability to see things holistically, and how to think out of the box.
For many big corporations, the more renowned it is, the harder it is to enter. For many of us who viewed landing a job in TSMC as an unobtainable dream, Tina shared that the following 4 skillsets would greatly increase the chance of landing a job in TSMC.
(Picture 1) – Tina talked about having good excel skills, a good understanding of labor laws, being able to work under pressure and good negotiation skills, and being proactive at work, to increase the chance of landing your dream job.
Next, we have GHRM MBA alumni Vincent, the HRPB of one of the biggest e-commerce giants, Shopee, to share more about his journey. As a student who was actively involved in co-curriculum activities, Vincent discovered his interest in HR through those activities. With this newfound passion for HR, he decided to take up an HR internship and pursue a career in HR. After accumulating enough experience in HR, by a stroke of luck, he saw an HR job opening in Shopee and decided to apply for it.
As many students were eager to learn more about HR, Vincent candidly shared some of the interesting encounters that he experienced whilst working in Shopee. Vincent also mentioned that as each employee and the situation that arises are unique, it is imperative for HR to stay professional and remain neutral when addressing the issues.
(Picture 2) – Vincent shared some real-life examples (nonactual situation) that he encountered whilst working in Shopee.
Following next, we have IBMBA alumni Patrick, the Product Manager of one of the most successful international companies, ASUS, taking the center stage. Originally, Patrick did not expect himself to pursue a career in PM. It was after he completed an internship in PM that he gained a better understanding of what PM encompasses before he found his interest in PM.
Just by hearing the title of PM alone, to some, it may be hard to imagine the responsibilities and challenges that come with it. As the job nature of PM requires them to be involved in different projects, most of the time, they are required to work with different people, and this would require the PM to have good communication skills to maintain team synergy. PMs are also required to be highly adaptable as the number of professional jargon can sometimes be very overwhelming. Without a good understanding, they will not be able to work efficiently with their clients or colleagues.
(Picture 3) – Patrick talked about the mountainous duties of a PM and the endless cycle of meetings with different stakeholders.
Towards the end of the sharing, our 3 guest speakers addressed all the questions that were posed by the students.
Regarding the question on how one can improve their CV to increase their chance of getting selected, our alumni shared it is important to include skills and necessary experiences in your CV. Furthermore, students should also include all their achievements in their CV to stand out from the pack.
(Picture 4) – Q&A on how to improve one’s CV.
Regarding the part on whether academic results are important when applying for jobs in big corporations, our alumni candidly shared that as positions in such organizations would be competitive, academic results would definitely play some role when it comes to the selection of candidates, especially for MA program. They also advised students to focus on improving their academic grades when possible.
(Picture 5) – Q&A on whether academic results are important.
For students who are still feeling lost about which career would suit them best, the best piece of advice given by our alumni is to make full use of opportunities to go for internships to test whether the job itself is suitable for them. One can only determine if the career is suitable for them when they get their hands dirty.
(Picture 6) – Q&A segment where our alumni shared their two cents for students who are feeling lost about which career to pursue.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our alumni for taking time out from their busy schedules to join us for the sharing.