Department of Finance

The Department of Finance at National Sun Yat-sen University was founded in 1986 and was the first of such department in Taiwan. Our department has a comprehensive curriculum that includes the bachelor's, master's, graduate program in industrial technology, in-service master's and doctoral programs as well as a five-year bachelor and master's degree program. In 2015, The Department of Finance at NSYSU obtained accreditation from CFA Institute, the first affiliated university in Southern Taiwan, and started to offer scholarships to students every year. In 2015, we were recognized by The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) as the first national university in Taiwan to achieve AACSB accreditation three times in a row. In 2017, we were ranked No. 3 in Taiwan and No. 22 in East Asia by Eduniversal in the top business school and university ranking worldwide. The Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial (SFM) hosted by the Department of Finance for 26 years has been a major platform for publications in the global finance and economics community. All of these achievements have repeatedly demonstrated that the professionalism and comprehensive nature of our curriculum are well recognized internationally.
- The most comprehensive academic system
We have comprehensive programs including the doctoral program, the master's program, the in-service master's program, the bachelor's program as well as the Industrial Technology Graduate Program in Financial Innovation program.
- A complete pathway to higher education and a sound guaranteed employment program:
- A five-year program to obtain a bachelor's degree and a master's degree, providing a complete education path for students with outstanding academic performance
- Active promotion of the guaranteed employment program in cooperation with the University
- Regular hosting of international seminars
The Department of Finance organizes the Conference on the Theories and practices of Securities and Financial (SFM) every year to keep pace with the rapid development of financial liberalization and internationalization and meet the goal of promoting a sound securities market in our country. We invite outstanding scholars from around the world to participate in the conference to promote the research of finance and financial related disciplines. Around 200 domestic and international finance scholars attend this conference every year, and the conference has established a certain reputation in terms of quality and quantity in the related fields. The conference has been held for 28 times by the end of 2020, and it is an important platform for the global finance and financial scholars to present their academic publications.
- Promotion of academic research and practical activities in the industry
The Department of Finance at National Sun Yat-sen University regularly organizes activities related to financial topics. In addition to the aforementioned "the Conference on the Theories and practices of Securities and Financial", there are also lectures on current financial issues, academic lectures, and seminars on various current events. We also actively seek opportunities to cooperate with the industry, such as the E.SUN Finance Seminar, the Fubon Finance Seminar, the Polaris Finance Seminar, and the Shin Kong Seminar, etc. We hope to elevate students' financial knowledge through the analysis and insight of experts and scholars in various professional fields.
- Cultivation of students' core competencies such as professionalism, innovation and global perspective Students in the Department of Finance have always excelled in school activities. Students are actively involved in clubs and activities during their school years (e.g., Finance Life Camp, Finance Week, Finance Cup, and various sports competitions). Students in the Department of Finance are known for being highly motivated, hard-working, and dedicated. We aim to prepare students with the core competencies of professionalism, innovation, and a global perspective. Through a variety of curricula and activities, students are trained to achieve the following professional competencies: financial management knowledge, communication skills, financial ethics, financial problem-solving skills, global perspective, and innovative thinking.
- 1986 Bachelor's program : The first bachelor's program in financial management in Taiwan was established.
- 1991 Master's program : The master’s program in the Department of Finance was established.
- 1995 Doctoral program : The doctoral program in the Department of Finance was established.
- 1999 In-service master's program : The in-service master’ program in the Department of Finance was established.
- 2013 Exchange program with the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore
- 2016 Industrial Technology Graduate Program in Financial Innovation : The Industrial Technology Graduate Program in Financial Innovation in the Department of Finance was established.
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- Location:CM2018
- TEL:(07)525-2000 4801, 4803, 4805