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Research Focuses of Our Departments and Institutes-Department of Business Management

Our Research Strategy

The Department of Business Management is committed to developing courses that emphasize both theory and practice. Through teaching and research, the department outlines different industries and explores how to create new opportunities for companies to improve their overall operational efficiency from a practical perspective by using appropriate strategies. In addition, a series of diversified programs such as Marketing Management, Technology Innovation and Service Industry Management, Human Resources Management, and Elderly Care have been planned to provide diversified learning opportunities and enhance students’ training in their areas of expertise.

Specializations of Faculty

The faculty of the Department of Business Management at the College of Management cover three major areas: 1) business management, 2) innovation and health management, and 3) finance, law, and accounting. It prides itself on being the most complete and balanced business management department in the country. Currently, there are 20 full-time faculty members in the department, who have earned their doctoral degrees from prestigious institutions in Taiwan, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Management concepts and knowledge from different nationalities not only broaden the scope of our research and teaching but also help students expand their international horizons. The faculty’s research and course content keep up to speed with the development of the industry. Full-time and part-time faculty members cover a wide range of management expertise, including organizational management, economics, strategy, marketing, finance, accounting, business administration, law, international business, management science, and technology management, providing students with a wide range of learning opportunities.

Chair/Associate Professor








Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Research Fellow

Research Highlights

The department emphasizes academic research, and each year, several faculty members receive awards from the National Science and Technology Council. In addition to domestic academic journals, faculty members of the department have also published many papers in world-renowned first-class academic journals, such as: Accounting Review, American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, Journal of Marketing, Management Science, Marketing Science, Operations Research, among others. In response to changes in the business environment, the department continues to innovate in research and teaching areas such as big data, artificial intelligence, long-term care, and entrepreneurial management. It has established various research laboratories and centers to promote the integration of academic and practical research and extension services.

Faculty Highlights

Professor Chun-Tuan Chang has received NSYSU’s Outstanding Teacher in Academic Research Award multiple times and has been awarded the title of distinguished professor. Her research areas include marketing management, consumer psychology, advertising and promotion,and experimental design.
Professor Anlin Chen has received NSYSU’s Outstanding Teacher in Academic Research Award multiple times and has been awarded the title of distinguished professor. His research areas include financial management and corporate finance.
Professor Shu-Chuan Jennifer Yeh has received NSYSU’s Outstanding Teacher in Academic Research Award multiple times and has been awarded the title of distinguished professor. Her research areas includehealth care management, human resource management, long-term care, and organizational behavior.
Professor Min-Hsin Huang has received NSYSU’s Outstanding Teacher in Academic Research Award. His research areas include marketing strategy, service marketing, brand management, and customer relationship management.
Professor Singer Hsing-Er Lin has received NSYSU’s Outstanding Teacher in Academic Research Award. Her research areas includeinnovation strategy, knowledge management, duality, organizational skills, entrepreneurship, family business innovation, social enterprise, and dynamic capabilities.
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