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【Recruit】Full-time Faculty Position from College of Management, National Sun Yat-sen University

Type of Position: Contract/Full-time assistant professor

Number of Positions: 1

Qualification: doctoral degree in related fields with outstanding research performance and meet the New Faculty Recruitment Standard of Sun Yat-sen University (Please refer to: https://ope.nsysu.edu.tw/p/412-1011-363.php?Lang=zh-tw)

Field of Specialty: All information-related fields (including Business Intelligence, Business Analytics, Digital Marketing, Financial Technology)

Documents required:

  1. Curriculum Vitae
  2. Copy (Certified) of degree diplomas (e.g. diploma of bachelor or above) and proof of work experience (e.g. Faculty certificate)
  3. Academic Award Certificate (e.g. Award Certificate of National Science and Technology Council)
  4. A list and offprints of academic publications within five years (Please include the impact factors, specific category, SCI/SSCI/TSSCI, or other databases)
  5.  Sample of the syllabus of courses that you have taught and propose to teach

Please send your application to pa@cm.nsysu.edu.tw (Ms. Chen)

Deadline: until the position is filled (the first period to review will be August 31, 2023)

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