[College of Management] Call for Cover Proposals for the 2023 Sustainability Report
Office of Responsibility and Sustainability Actions College of Management, NSYSU
Call for Cover Proposals for the 2023 College of Management Sustainability Report
I Objective
To design the front and back covers of the upcoming 2023 College of Management Sustainability Report
II Competition
- Eligibility: Only current students, domestic or foreign, of National Sun Yat-sen University’s College of Management are eligible to participate. They must still be enrolled on January 31, 2024.
- Submission deadline:
January 31, 2024 by 4:00 p.m.March 1, 2024 by 4:00 p.m - Awards
- First place (1 winner): Certificate and prize money (6,000 NTD)
- Honorable mention (2 winners): Certificate and prize money (3,000 NTD)
- Organizer: Office of Responsibility and Sustainability Actions, College of Management, National Sun Yat-sen University
III How to submit
- The following information must be provided with the submission. Please submit all documents together. Incomplete submissions will not be considered.
- Your front and back cover design file, with the file name “Sustainability Report Cover_yourname”
- A completed application form (Appendix 1: Sustainability Report Cover Call for Entries Application Form)
- A signed letter of consent for the transfer of copyright (Appendix 2)
- Date and manner of submission: Submissions should be sent to orsa@cm.nsysu.edu.tw with the subject line “Submission for Cover of 2023 College of Management Sustainability Report – [Your Name]”. They will be accepted from now until
January 31, 2024March 1, 2024 by 4:00 p.m, at 4pm; no late submissions will be considered. - Specifications: Please submit your work as an AI file or CDR file created with a vector drawing software such as Illustrator or CorelDRAW for easy scaling, with a file resolution of at least 300 pixels/dpi. Please submit both an AI file and a jpg file.
IV Terms and Conditions
- The cover design must include the phrases "國立中山大學” (National Sun Yat-sen University), "管理學院” (College of Management), "永續報告書” (Sustainability Report), and "2023”. These phrases must be included in Chinese for Sustainability Report Chinese version of annual report; their English translation is for English version of annual report. Past (2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021) College of Management CSR Annual Reports can be found here for reference:
- Chinese version: https://www.cm.nsysu.edu.tw/p/403-1024-5171-1.php?Lang=zh-tw
- English version: https://www.cm.nsysu.edu.tw/p/403-1024-5171-1.php?Lang=en
- No entries will be returned, regardless of whether they win an award or not, and designers are requested to back up their own files.
- Entries must be original, unpublished works that have not been posted on public social networking sites (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) and must not be copied or plagiarized. In the event of legal liability for copyright or infringement of third-party rights, the contestant, not the organizer, will be held legally responsible. If any of the above cases are found in the winning submissions, the winner will be disqualified and the prize money and certificate will be revoked.
- The winner of the award shall be the creator of the design, and the creator shall agree to transfer the copyrights of the design to the organizer without compensation. The organizer shall reserve the right to duplicate, publish, distribute, reproduce, and modify the design.
- Participants shall respect the decision of the jury and shall not object to the jury results. In order to maintain the standard of the design award, if no entries meet the judging standards, the award may be withheld.
- Following the award, assistance is needed to edit in accordance with the feedback from the judges.
- The organizer reserves the right to supplement additional information at any point in the future.
V Reviewing and Awarding
- Vetting Procedures and Standards
- Judging procedure: The organizer will invite members of relevant fields from inside and/or outside the university to act as judges.
- Judging criteria: 50% design concept, 50% aesthetics and creativity
- Award Announcement: The list of winners and their designs will be announced on the website of College of Management of National Sun Yat-sen University, and the winners will be notified by phone or e-mail.
- The organizer reserves the right to confirm the final quota and make final adjustments to the content of the event.
VI Contact:
Tel: 07-525-2000#4515, E-mail: orsa@cm.nsysu.edu.tw
- 優等(1名):獎狀及獎金新台幣6,000元
- 佳作(2名):獎狀及獎金新台幣3,000元
- 作品檔案(檔名為:永續報告書封面封底_作者姓名)
- 報名表(如附件1)
- 著作財產權讓與同意書簽名(如附件2)
(二)繳件日期及方式:即日起至113年1月31日下午4點前【延長收件至3月1日下午4點】,將作品檔案、報名表、著作財產權讓與同意書簽名等檔案寄到orsa@cm.nsysu.edu.tw (信件主旨:投稿2023管院永續報告書封面_參賽者姓名),逾期恕不受理。
(一)封面及封底設計須包含中英文版「國立中山大學」、「管理學院」、「永續報告書」、「2023」、「National Sun Yat-sen University」、「College of Management」、「Sustainability Report」等用詞。2018、2019、2020、2021、2022管院中英文版永續報告書請參閱:
(三)提供的參賽作品須為未經任何之公開發表之原創作品,同時未曾刊登在公開社群網站中(如Facebook, Instagram等網站),並不得抄襲、模仿、或剽竊他人之作品。若有涉及相關著作權法律責任及侵害第三人權利時,悉由參選者自行負法律責任,概與主辦單位無關。若經發現有上述情形,除取消其得獎資格,將追繳回獎金及獎狀。
Note: If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.