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Women At McKinsey Virtual Event

We're excited to announce that we have opened applications for our virtual event Next Generation Women Leaders – 2024. This event is a unique opportunity where attendees will explore the importance of women in leadership, develop a sense of connection and create a long-lasting community.  While joining this event, you will get to know about McKinsey Asia, our commitment to Diversity & Inclusion and our impact through Women At McKinsey community. After this, you will get to know more about our inclusion strategy and what’s working at McKinsey is all about.

For the event, we are looking for students and professionals based in Asia Pacific region (or have strong ties with Asia) who:
Identify as women (Our NGWL events are intended for women and are fully transgender and nonbinary inclusive)
are due to complete their Undergraduate, Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD degree in 2025 -- OR -- are a professional with up to eight years of work experience.

If you are interested in joining us, please apply here before 1st May 2024. For any queries, feel free to write to NGWL_Asia@mckinsey.com.
We look forward to meeting you on 30th & 31st May 2024.


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