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[OAD NEWS] Over 100 Scholars Attend Paper Review and Journal Editing Workshop to Promote Academic Research and Positive Impact

Group Photo of Scholars Participating in the 3rd Paper Review and Journal Editing Workshop


On September 8, 2024, the third "Paper Review and Journal Editing Workshop" was co-hosted by the NTU Management Review, published by the College of Management at National Taiwan University (NTU), and the Sun Yat-sen Management Review, published by the Office of Academic Development, College of Management, National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU). The workshop aimed to improve the quality of journal article reviews and encourage the exchange of research experiences among scholars. Over 100 scholars from across Taiwan attended this dynamic and insightful event.

The workshop was divided into two sessions. The morning session featured a keynote speech titled "How to Conduct a High-Quality Article Review: Roles of the Editor-in-Chief, Reviewers, and Authors." The afternoon session included a paper review workshop focused on three key areas: "Organization, Human Resources, and Technology Management," "Marketing, International Business, and Information Management," and "Finance and Accounting." Professor Hsing-Er Lin, Editor-in-Chief of the Sun Yat-sen Management Review, opened the event.

Challenges in Journal Editing and Assessing Original Research

The first speaker, Professor Hsiou-Wei Lin, Editor-in-Chief of the NTU Management Review, discussed the roles and challenges faced by journal editors and section editors. He explained the journal review process, stressing the importance of thorough checks by reviewers, section editors, and the Editor-in-Chief, which includes desk rejections and evaluating manuscript originality. Professor Lin also highlighted the increasing challenge of verifying research authenticity with the rise of AI tools like ChatGPT, which have contributed to the issue of fabricated references.

The Role of Reviewers: Gatekeepers, Mentors, and Promoters of Innovation

Next, Professor Chih-Ping Wei, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the NTU Management Review, spoke on "The Roles and Responsibilities of Reviewers and How to Conduct Academic Paper Reviews." Reviewers, he explained, serve as gatekeepers, ensuring the quality of submitted work by examining research contributions, methodologies, and ethics. As mentors, they offer constructive feedback and guidance, while as promoters of innovation, they push the boundaries of knowledge and introduce new ideas. He emphasized that reviewers must remain objective, maintain confidentiality, and provide timely, constructive, and clear feedback.

Effective Strategies for Responding to Review Comments

In the third session, Professor Hui-Hsien Hsieh from the Institute of Human Resource Management at National Sun Yat-sen University shared strategies for "Responding to Reviewer Feedback from an Author’s Perspective." He advised authors to carefully assess revision opportunities upon receiving an editor’s response, avoid rushing, and address each reviewer comment directly. Professor Hsieh emphasized the importance of beginning with gratitude, keeping responses concise, highlighting key strengths, and including a summary of revisions. He also suggested clarifying misunderstandings with polite explanations after expressing thanks.

During the Q&A session, scholars actively engaged in lively discussions.


The afternoon workshops, divided by research fields, provided scholars with opportunities to share their experiences in academic paper review.

Field of "Organization, Human Resources, and Technology Management"

Professor Min-Nan Chen from the Institute of Human Resource Management at National Sun Yat-sen University led the field of " Organization, Human Resources, and Technology Management." He outlined steps for becoming a peer reviewer, beginning with increasing visibility by attending international conferences (e.g., AOM, DRUID, R&D Management) and obtaining an ORCID ID linked to personal publications to enhance professional credibility. He advised selectivity when accepting review invitations, considering one's expertise and availability. Upon accepting, reviewers should help editors by confirming that the author's claims are well-supported and aligned with the manuscript's theme. In writing the review, provide a concise summary, clear improvement suggestions, and a structured review report to guide editorial decisions. The session’s Q&A was lively, with Professors Chen and Hsing-Er Lin, the chair, sharing valuable additional insights.

Paper Review Workshop in the Field of Organization, Human Resource Management, and Science Management


Field of "Marketing, International Business, and Information Management"

The field of "Marketing, International Business, and Information Management", led by Professor Chih-Hung Peng from NTU’s Department of Information Management, focused on two main areas. First, Professor Peng illustrated strategies for responding to challenging reviewer feedback, sharing specific techniques from his research experience. He also highlighted key insights from his role as Associate Editor, stressing the importance of strong introductions, careful reviewer selection, and respecting reviewers’ time constraints. In a dynamic Q&A, Peng and chair Professor Chih-Ping Wei advised on initial drafts, using appendices for detailed data, and responding realistically to review requests outside one’s expertise. For requests to add variables, Professor Peng recommended only those preserving the study’s theoretical foundation, with adjustments based on data availability.

Paper Review Workshop in the Field of Marketing, International Business, and Information Management


Field of "Finance and Accounting"

In the field of "Finance and Accounting", Professor Wei-Che Tsai from the Department of Finance at National Sun Yat-sen University shared insights from five of his submitted papers. His first paper examined the impact of derivatives on Taiwan's stock market, emphasizing the challenges in measuring hedging volumes and navigating regulatory issues. The second paper focused on the implied equity risk of options and market returns. The third investigated the effect of weather on order submissions and trading performance, noting difficulties in data collection and weaker statistical significance. The fourth explored the relationship between institutional traders’ order imbalances and expected asset returns, revealing the costs of information asymmetry. Lastly, the fifth analyzed intraday momentum in the VIX futures market, explaining the hedging pressures of derivatives. Through these examples, attendees gained effective strategies for addressing reviewer feedback.

Paper Review Workshop in the Field of Marketing, International Business, and Information Management


This workshop covered a diverse range of topics, attracting enthusiastic participation from scholars and doctoral students across Taiwan. The engaging presentations sparked widespread interest, creating a lively atmosphere with frequent Q&A exchanges. This made the workshop a vital platform for collaborative learning and networking. We look forward to seeing more distinguished scholars contribute to academic services in paper reviewing and journal editing, further enhancing the research standards in Taiwan's management sciences.

Best Reviewer Award Ceremony of the 2024 NTU Management Review

The workshop concluded with an awards ceremony honoring the contributions of outstanding reviewers. Peer reviewers are essential to the evaluation and guidance of academic papers, investing significant time and effort in their roles. During this event, the NTU Management Review publicly acknowledged their contributions, emphasizing the importance of sustaining academic research and its positive impact on scholarly development. This year’s Best Reviewer Award was presented to Professor Wen-Hai Chih from the Department of Business Administration at National Dong Hwa University and Professor Chiung-Wen Tsao from the Department of Business and Management at National Tainan University. The award was presented by Deputy Editor Wei Chih-Ping, who expressed sincere gratitude for the dedication and contributions of both awardees.

Best Reviewer Award for the 2024 NTU Management Review


- Editorial Office, College of Management

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