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Milestone Achievement for NSYSU College of Management: Successful AACSB Fourth Reaccreditation Site Visit

Faculty Interview Sessions
Faculty Interview Sessions
Administrative Staff Interview Sessions
Administrative Staff Interview Sessions
Faculty Interview Sessions
Faculty Interview Sessions
Faculty Interview Sessions
Faculty Interview Sessions
Administrative Staff Interview Sessions
Administrative Staff Interview Sessions
Faculty Interview Sessions
Faculty Interview Sessions
Faculty Interview Sessions
Faculty Interview Sessions
Master’s and Doctoral Students Interview Sessions
Master’s and Doctoral Students Interview Sessions
Undergraduate Students Interview Sessions
Undergraduate Students Interview Sessions
Faculty Interview Sessions
Faculty Interview Sessions
Faculty Interview Sessions
Faculty Interview Sessions
Executive Interview Sessions
Executive Interview Sessions

▲The College of Management officially commenced its fourth AACSB reaccreditation. University President Prof. Chih-Peng Li (center), Senior Vice President Prof. Shyh-Jer Chen (second from left), Vice President Prof. Shu-Chen Ou (first from left), Dean Prof. Shu-Chuan Yeh (third from right), Associate Dean Prof. Jui-Kun Kuo (second from right), and Director of the International Relations and Accreditation Office Prof. Ying-Chun Li (first from right) welcomed AACSB peer review team members Prof. Stephen Kelly, Prof. Sang-Yong Tom Lee, and Prof. Steve Wood during their visit.


From November 3 to 5, 2024, National Sun Yat-sen University’s College of Management celebrated a significant milestone with the successful completion of its fourth AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) reaccreditation. The event was marked by an in-depth evaluation conducted by an international peer review team. Chaired by Prof. Stephen Kelly from New Zealand, the panel included Prof. Sang-Yong Tom Lee from South Korea and Prof. Steve Wood from the United Kingdom. Over the course of three days, the team engaged with faculty, staff, and students to assess the college’s progress and achievements.

The College of Management received steadfast support from the entire NSYSU community. University President Prof. Chih-Peng Li, Senior Vice President Prof. Shyh-Jer Chen, Vice President Prof. Shu-Chen Ou, and the College of Management Team—Dean Prof. Shu-Chuan Yeh, Associate Dean Prof. Jui-Kun Kuo, Associate Dean Prof. An-Lin Chen, and Director of the International Relations and Accreditation Office Prof. Ying-Chun Li—extended a warm and professional welcome to the visiting panel. Faculty, staff, and students showcased the college's outstanding accomplishments in teaching innovation, academic research, industry collaboration, internationalization, sustainability, and social impact.

NSYSU alumni also demonstrated their strong support, with industry leaders setting aside time from their schedules to participate in the site visit and share their insights. This collective effort exemplified the "NSYSU family" spirit of unity and dedication.

The College of Management sincerely thanks all faculty, students, alumni, and industry partners who contributed to the reaccreditation process. Through everyone's hard work and collaboration, the fourth AACSB reaccreditation site visit was successfully concluded, reaffirming the college’s commitment to excellence and its adherence to global standards.

Thank you to everyone who supported and participated in the reaccreditation process!


▲ AACSB peer review team members pose with Dean Prof. Shu-Chuan Yeh, Associate Dean Prof. Jui-Kun Kuo, Associate Dean Prof. An-Lin Chen, and Director Prof. Ying-Chun Li after a full day of evaluation activities on November 4.

▲ AACSB peer review team members attend a welcome dinner with faculty, staff, and alumni of the College of Management.


▲ AACSB peer review team members meet with alumni who took time from their busy schedules to return to campus and support the reaccreditation process.

▲ AACSB peer review team members pose for a memorable photo with Project Managers Ms. Qian-Chu Hung and Ms. Hsin-Yu Lin, as well as student ambassadors, against the backdrop of NSYSU’s iconic beach.


Below are photos from the event, organized by interview session.


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