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[GHRM MBA] Luxury Insights From ‘Michael Wattanaariyakit’: An Alumnus’s Take on HR Executive in Luxury Retail

In today’s competitive landscape, the luxury retail sector requires a keen understanding of high-end products and a deep appreciation for the people who make the business succeed. HR is an important position that finds highly potential employees who can satisfy those valuable clients and make the company thrive. Recently, we had the opportunity to interview Michael Wattanaariyakit, an alumnus of Global Human Resources Management at NSYSU and current HR Executive for a well-known global luxury retail brand in Thailand. With a focus on sourcing candidates and developing employee engagement strategies, Michael shared valuable insights from an HR in this industry.

Before pursuing his Master’s degree, Michael had experience in the luxury hotels and retail industries as a human resource officer and supervisor. Meanwhile, during his study in GHRM at NSYSU, Michael had an opportunity to be an intern in a luxury hotel in Taiwan. The internship offered an opportunity for Michael and Taiwanese employees to work together in a diversified workplace, preparing them and the company for working on an international scale. His HR experiences and Master’s degree in Global Human Resource Management allowed him to work in diverse environments, which shaped him to be a skillful HR with a strong background in the luxury industries. Hence, his academic background and work experiences made him an outstanding alumnus. Furthermore, reflecting on his time at NSYSU, he appreciated the university's incredible scenery. He loved the campus's scenic views of mountains and sea, which allowed him to unwind and relieve stress during his studies.

After completing his Master's degree from GHRM-MBA, he got a recruitment offer from a luxury retail company as a human resources executive in Thailand, also focusing and coordinating with the Vietnam branch. As an HR executive in a famous luxury retail company, he shared valuable insights about working in the luxury industry. He also emphasized how challenging the position is when working in a diverse environment. Michael found it challenging working in a diverse workplace. As an HR executive, one of his responsibilities is to foster a positive work culture and develop engagement initiatives. Hence, he highlighted the importance of cross-cultural understanding in the workplace.

“Working in international organizations where there are employees from different racial groups, no one has the right to judge another's culture by their cultural standard."

Also, remote working with his Vietnam branch is challenging as he cannot investigate the problems that occurred himself. To overcome this challenge, he implemented essential tools that can support them, instead of telling them what to do. It is more effective when he lets them do their tasks themselves, as they know the issues the best; and provides them with comprehensive support.

Furthermore, Michael, an expert HR executive hiring the right candidates, gave us some recommendations for students interested in entering the field of luxury retail. He explained that beyond basic qualities like reliability and integrity, they should have a personality that aligns with each brand’s character. Plus, experience in the luxury sector is also crucial, as mid-level positions typically require a background in similar roles. For mid-level positions in luxury businesses, fresh graduates with no experience in a luxury-related field might be a big challenge. Michael also highlighted the importance of maturity, communication skills, and positive attitudes when working with high-end clients who expect exceptional service. He noted that these characteristics are key to maintaining a luxury brand's high standards and image.

In summary, Michael’s insights into HR in the luxury retail sector reveal the critical interplay between understanding people, especially people from different cultures, and managing his responsibilities with HR analytics and decision-making. His journey highlighted the importance of cultural awareness, hoping that current students would be concerned and prepare for their future careers in any field. Also, his valuable insights into the luxury industry are inspiring and informative.

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