
Shu-Chuan Jennifer Yeh, PhD
Tel: 07-5252000 ext. 4500
Fax: 07-5254599
Shu-Chuan Jennifer Yeh is the Dean of National Sun Yat-sen University’s College of Management and a professor of Health Care Management in the Department of Business Administration.
Prior to her current role, Yeh served as Vice President for Student Affairs at NSYSU from 2014 to 2016, and as Associate Dean of the College of Management from 2016 to 2022. Shu-Chuan (Jennifer) is a well-established scholar in Health Care Management with strong leadership experience. She is a keen leader who aims to help ascend the College of Management to the next level of distinction as a global leading business school.
National Sun Yat-sen University’s College of Management is widely respected as a distinguished business school. Since 2013, the college has stood among the 5 percent of business school programs worldwide to receive accreditation by the AACSB.
Current Position
DEAN / College of Management, National Sun Yet-sen University
Professor of Health Care Management, Department of Business Management
- 1997, Ph.D., Health Services Organization and Research, Virginia Commonwealth University(1997)
Relevant Experience
- College of Management National Sun Yat-sen University, Professor & Associate Dean (2016-8-1 ~ 2022-1-31)
- National Sun Yat-sen University, Professor & Vice President for Student Affairs (2014-8-1 ~ 2016-7-31)
- Department of Business Management, National Sun Yat-sen University, Professor & Chair (2012-8-1 ~ 2014-7-31)
- Department of Business Management, National Sun Yat-sen University, Associate Professor (2007-8-1 ~ 2008-1-31)
- Institute of Hospital and Health Care Administration, National Yang-Ming University, Associate Professor (2006-8-1 ~ 2007-7-31)
Major Honors
- University Research Outstanding Teacher, NSYSU (2020, 2016, 2012, 2011)
- Distinguished TSC Thesis competition, TOPCO group (2019-2020)
- Superior Teaching Performance, NSYSU (2020, 2014~2017, 2007)
- 科技部國科會優秀年輕學者計畫 2008-2011 (2008)
Fields Of Specialty
Health care management, Human resources management, Long term care, Organizational Behavior
- Efficiency and Effectiveness in dialysis centers in Taiwan. Ministry of Science and Techonology (2020)
- The Factors Associated with the Decision to Purchase Private Long-term Care Insurance in Taiwan. Ministry of Science and Techonology (2017)
- The Study of Health Services for New Southward Countries, Examples from Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam. Ministry of Science and Techonology (2017)
- Asean and South Asia Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Ministry of Science and Technology. Ministry of Science and Techonology (2016)
- The Association among Servant Leadership, Inclusive Leadership, Optimism, Health Status, Creativity, and Citizenship Behaviors (Part II). Ministry of Science and Techonology (2013) (2016)
- Exploring the Relationship between Sleep Deprivation and Job Performance among Health Professionals: Does Gender Make Differences? Ministry of Science and Techonology (2013)
- Self-Efficacy, Medical Adherence, and Health Outcomes among Chronic Kidney Diseases. Ministry of Science and Techonology (2012) (2013)
- 補助大學校院辦理跨領域學位學程及學分學程 政府部門 (2012)
- 《Work and Motivation》Translation and Annotation Project. Ministry of Science and Techonology (2011)
- “3D” Study: The Influence of Personality and Social Support on Depression, Dementia, and Demand for Quality of Life among Patients with End-Stage-Renal-Diseases. Ministry of Science and Techonology (2008) (2009) (2010)
- A Panel Study on Perceived Organizational Support and Health Outcomes among Foreign Workers in Taiwan. Ministry of Science and Techonology (2007)
- A Pilot Study on the Effects of Culture on Social Support and Depression for Foreign Labors in Taiwan Ministry of Science and Techonology (2005)
- The Influence of Strategic Alliance on the Performance of Freestanding Hemodialysis Centers: A Resource Dependency Approach. Ministry of Science and Techonology (2004)
- Capitation in Long-Term Care. Ministry of Science and Techonology (2002) (2003)
- Ambulatory Visits and Quality of Care: Does the Volume Control Matter? National Health Insurance, Taiwan (2002)
- Balance Billing in Health Care Systems of Taiwan. Government Department & National Health Insurance, Taiwan (2001)